Key Signs Your Child May Need a Coach

Have you noticed lately that your child’s grades are slipping, homework is a battle, assignments aren’t being turned in, or just getting to school is a struggle? These could be signs that your child may benefit from an academic coach who specializes in executive function skills to get them back on track for increased confidence and school success.  The following are a few key signs your child may benefit from a coach and what they can do to help:

Slipping Grades

If you have noticed over the past few months that grades have been steadily declining, it is important to connect with your child and their teacher to see what the cause may be.  A coach can help determine if the cause is related to the subject matter (math or reading) or executive function challenges ( time management, organization, planning, emotional regulation). 

Time Management

Does it seem like your child is constantly procrastinating when it comes to homework or class assignments?  This could be an indication that your child is having a hard time managing the time needed to begin a task and complete it on time.  A coach can be beneficial in teaching your child specific study skills which include goal setting, self-motivation, organization and planning.

Lack of Confidence

Sometimes a child may begin to say they hate school or don’t want to go.  This could be a sign that school has become difficult for them and they lack the confidence to participate successfully in class.  A coach can help a child tap into his or her learning styles and strengths and bring back the confidence they need to succeed.

Homework is Taking a Toll

A certain amount of homework is typical for students of all ages, mostly throughout middle and highschool.  However, if you feel your child is spending an unusual amount of time on homework, they are continually frustrated, or they seem to be trying hard without results, you may benefit from a coach.  A coach can help your child establish more efficient study habits at home, including how to best organize their study space.

Learning Disability/ADHD

Children with a learning disability or ADHD often struggle with many of the aforementioned signs.  A coach often specializes in presenting information differently to accommodate your child’s specific needs and teach them skills for academic success.